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Traedis Atenel

May Character Interview

Patricia Parrington ~ May 1, 2024

Hello my lovely readers and fellow book-lovers! For those of you who are new here, I, your flower-owning host, Patricia Parrington, have the pleasure of interviewing characters from books all over the world.

Today we have here with us Traedis Atenel from The Sagathas Bard series by Beth Hudson. Beth is a novel and short story writer with four novels, a novella, and a short story collection published. She takes her inspiration from art, music, and designer coffee.


Meet Traedis

[Patricia settles onto an orange suede couch, looks at the giant vase of flowers on the coffee table between her and her guest seated on a matching orange sofa, then shakes her head.]

I love flowers, but I think I put too many into that vase. I can’t see you!

[She moves the vase to the side and grins.]

That’s better. Welcome to Fable Features! I’m excited to get to know you. Tell me—do you have any odd habits or quirks?


I’m sure I do—doesn’t everyone? I can’t think of any quirks in particular just at the moment.

[She touches the rose-carved cherrywood harp with golden strings for reassurance.]

But I know I must. I suppose I brush my hair back when I’m nervous.

[She demonstrates.]

And maybe I play with my rings?

[The harp plays single note by itself.]

Rose? Are you trying to tell me something?

[She pats the harp frame.]

 As for habits—I practice my music, but that’s not odd—I’m a bard as well as a king. Nothing most people would consider odd, anyway.


True—I think everyone does have a quirk, even if they’re not aware of it. And I think that’s cool you’re a bardic king!

[Patricia leans back against the couch.]

What’s your favorite color?


Dark forest green. It’s the color of the pines that grow on the mountain slopes below and above us. I’d wear a good deal more of it, but I’m a bard, and the Piper of the Dance (if you know his name, don’t mention it, it might draw his attention) is a bard who wears green, so it’s bad luck.

[Traedis shudders.]

I can certainly wear it with other colors, but not by itself. But I enjoy other colors, such as gold and deep blue, and I don’t mind wearing gowns the color of wine.

[She brushes her skirt lightly.]


[Patricia leans forward.]

The Piper of the Dance—I’ve never heard of him. Who is he exactly? You seem nervous about this individual.


The Dance is made up of the most powerful and evil demons in the world; we don’t usually call it by its full name of the,

[She clears her throat,]

Nightdance—because they don’t like to be talked about.

[Traedis takes a deep breath.]

Its heart is two of the most powerful demons in the world, the Mother of Curses—who I will speak respectfully of, because I have a curse on me—and the Piper who plays the tune for the Dance. It’s best not to call his attention—he’s quite capricious.


Wow, that sounds so ominous. I would avoid calling his attention as well. Let’s move onto our next question!

Do you have any siblings?


Five. All older. Lang, Vandeyr, and Gavaya back me; Vandeyr is my guard captain and is determined to make sure no one assassinates me on her watch. Lang is my viceroy. And Gavaya is the head of the City Library. My brother Otenemar won’t speak to me, and my brother Daymet is colluding with my uncle to overthrow me.

I mean, neither of them is a horrible person.

[Traedis folds her hands in her lap.]

Daymet understandably doesn’t like the changes I’ve made since becoming king—he was a contracts lawyer, and now that we don’t export assassins anymore, his entire livelihood is gone. And Otenemar—well, of course many of the nobility don’t like the changes I’ve made. I can’t really fault him for that.

[She shakes her head.]


Ahh, yes that’s understandable why your two brothers aren’t exactly keen about all that. But that’s still sad to hear, especially since they are your family. I’m glad you still have some siblings backing you up.

Here’s a more lighthearted question: What mode of transportation have you never tried?


I have never ridden dragonback. I cannot imagine asking a dragon for a ride, since they have far better things to do, like keeping the world running. I have met some. But the idea of asking someone who could fill an acre to act like a beast of burden is, firstly, rude and, secondly, ill-advised, though it depends upon the dragon. Still, I love to imagine what it would be like.


It does sound like it would be a wonderful experience! But of course, we wouldn’t want to offend them.

If you stumbled across a sack of gold, what would you do?


I have enough gold. I’d put it in the city treasury so that it could help to maintain our citizens and keep food in their bellies as well as continue to make sure everyone has housing. I must admit, there are few things Tolin has done better than the surrounding country of Telardur, but our ability to care for our own is one of them.

[Traedis smiles briefly.]


[Patricia smiles as well.]

That warms my heart to hear how much you care about your people.

[She tucks a stray strand of hair behind an ear.]

What’s your biggest pet peeve?


People who sing out of tune. Especially loudly.

[She winces.]

I suppose everyone should be able to enjoy music, but it makes me want to wrap several scarves around my head and run screaming out the door. Luckily, my family can all carry a tune, and I’m not cursed with too many people in my daily life who are that musically inept.

[Traedis draws her eyebrows together.]

I mean, I’m cursed, just not with that particular curse. But that’s an entirely different story.


Yeah, that is not fun to hear or be subjected to!

[Patricia’s brows furrow.]

You keep mentioning a curse. Are you alright? Is it bad?


It’s a curse that can’t be lifted. I am fated to “lose my love to the storm.” Unfortunately, that can be interpreted in many ways, and since I have opposed the Mother of Curses, she’s holding me to it. Currently, it seems to mean, in many iterations, my freedom.


I’m sorry to hear that. It sounds like a heavy burden.

[Patricia adjusts the skirt of her dress.]

What are you drawn to?


So many things—I’m drawn to the beauty of the pines bending before the wind that rushes down the mountain; to the fellowship of friends; to the old ballads that make poetry out of heartbreak; to the purity of a winter’s night crystallized in snow and ice; to the joy of sledding down a mountain track without quite knowing if I’m going to fall.

[She remains quiet for a moment, her gaze distant.]

I am also drawn to those who can see humor in dire situations, and who understand kindness and gentleness is more powerful than cruelty and torment.


Beautifully said.

[Patricia pauses, thinking.]

What would you say is your greatest treasure?


My harp, Rose Goldsong.

[The harp plays by itself, a trill that sounds a little like laughter.]

She’s a little vain, it’s true.

[Traedis smiles.]

But she is a harp of legend, and ever since she was strung with sagathas in Ymre, she has possessed a mind of her own. Her magic augments mine—by a considerable amount. But aside from her magic, there is no harp that sounds sweeter, or that can render music out of wire in such a pure and exquisite tone that it would make the gods weep.

[She touches the harp frame.]


Wow. I’d certainly treasure it too.

[Patricia gazes at the harp.]

It’s a beautiful instrument! How did you come upon it?


She was made by an istronian luthier for a great human bard, and she was magical then. I was given her by my bardic master in Kaelennar, because he deemed me worthy of her. Aside from my friendships, she is the greatest gift I’ve ever been given.

[She pats the frame of the harp.]


Your master has chosen well, it seems! I can tell how much you care for her.

[Patricia stands.]

Well, that’s all the time we have for today. Thank you so much for letting me interview you!

End of interview.


Want to Read More?

Traedis’s author, Beth Hudson, can be found on Facebook, Threads, and X/Twitter. You can find out more about her books and writing on her website and here for Centaur Space. Book 1, Goldsong, can be purchased here, and book 2, Runedance, can be purchased here.


author Beth Hudson


See Ya Next Month

Aaand that's all the time we have today. Thank you, readers, for coming. And thank you, Traedis, for letting us get to know you! See y'all next month, and until then stay outta trouble and keep writing!


If you would like to submit a character to be interviewed for a future issue of Fable Features, please send an email to with the subject line: Fable Features.

Please note that erotica and content with excessive vulgar language will not be accepted.

If you have questions you'd like Patricia Parrington to ask in a future interview, please submit them to with the subject line: Interview Questions.

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