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Image by Casey Horner
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Hmm, where to start? Well, I could tell you about my obsession with rocks, leather notebooks, and all things fantasy. Or how I have a dog named Leo who's obsessed with a laser light. Or that I love painting and roller blading and horseback riding. But short and sweet? I'm a writer who's in love with language.


My name's Linnae but I go by Linnaeus with friends and on social media. I began writing somewhere around the 4th grade (Lots of cringy stories, bad spelling, the whole package. But hey, you gotta start somewhere). Thankfully, God's given me amazing teachers and supportive friends throughout the yearsand I still stay in touch with most of them.


So what do I write? Fantasy, mainly. Specifically longform.  I dabble in short stories, satire, and flash fiction, but I always come back to fantasy. And honestly? That started way back in middle school when baby Linnaeus read Eragon for the first time. Right now I'm working on a YA fantasy book called Flight which will be the first of The Land of Green and Gold trilogy.


On the editorial side of things, I realized as I was working on my BA in Creative Writing that I loved grammar. And syntax. And marking things in red. So what did I do? Picked up a second minor in Publishing last minute. Was that a stressful senior year? Yes. Yes it was. But it seems to have worked out okay. I freelance edit on the side now (email me for info!) and work at Our Daily Bread Publishers as an editorial assistant.


So what's my calling? To guide others on their writing venture. To create and publish clean fantasy. And to do it all for the glory of God.

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