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Image by Mark Basarab


The Wait

- teen fantasy devotion -

Mior waits for the Lord to bring help and save the people from the beastly Karith. But it's silent. And the wait stretches on.


Published through Unlocked

(read here)

Image by Ivana Cajina


- middle grade fantasy novel -

Emma and Cody accidentally return to Lumina when they come across a startle flower in their world. When they arrive, it seems that Lumina is at peace . . . until the Wolf King's sister shows up with a warning. Together, Cody and Emma must work with her to defeat the Spindle Queen.


Ongoing chapter-by-chapter publications through Hudsonville Living Magazine.

Image by John Silliman

The Storm

- flash fiction- 

A storm brews and a woman makes a horrible mistake.


Published through Exhale. (Email me to read my contribution)

Image by Brandon Morgan

The Artisan's Mask

- young adult fantasy novel -

Arion Naveh awakes one day standing in a foreign castle and wearing a strange mask. All but his name has disappeared from memory. The nearby villagers claim he's the cruel Ever King, but something doesn't feel right. Was he really the Ever King? Or is there something more complicated playing behind the scenes?


As his memories slowly return, Arion must work quickly to unlock the secrets of the mask and stop the real Ever King before the people—or someone far worse—kills him.


- work in progress -

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The Beast

- teen fantasy devotion -

A girl confronts a great evil that is scourging the land. She failed once before, but now she has armor.


Published through Unlocked (read here)

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The Fire Feather

- flash fiction -

Five adults enter an elevator on a seemingly normal day . . . to then be surprised by a non-burning feather wreathed in flames.


Published through The Makeshift Review

(read here)

Image by Marek Piwnicki

Arrival of the Night

- prose poetry -

The sun sets and the sky is painted and the day becomes night.


Published through The Makeshift Review (read here)

Image by Quino Al


- middle grade fantasy novel -

Cody and Emma stumble upon a strange wand and a magical land called Lumina . . . that's being darkened by the evil Wolf King. The good news? The wand they found is super powerful. The bad news? It's not working.


Published through Hudsonville Living Magazine

Image by Francisco Ghisletti


- young adult fantasy novel -

The day magic returns, 17-year-old Max escapes enslavement--but at the cost of leaving his little sister behind. As he strives to learn how to use his magic and find a way to go back and save his sister, he finds that not even magic can heal the dark trauma that plagues him. He will need to learn how to face his greatest fear--the Task Master--if he ever wants a chance at getting his sister back.


- work in progress (email me if interested in beta reading) -

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