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Jane Riverdown

October Character Interview

Patricia Parrington ~ October 15, 2024

Hello my lovely readers and fellow book-lovers! For those of you who are new here, I, your marble-finding host, Patricia Parrington, have the pleasure of interviewing characters from books all over the world.

Today we have here with us Jane Riverdown from the book Emerald Baptism (wt) by Stuart Tudor. Stuart is a South African speculative fiction writer.


Meet Jane

[Patricia gestures for her guest to sit on one of the orange suede couches, pauses, then frowns and plunges a hand under the cushions of the couch she’s standing next to. Her arm pulls back to reveal a handful of marbles.]

If you find any marbles, just set them aside. I had a friend come over last night and they left marbles everywhere. No idea why.

[Patricia sets the marbles on the carpet and settles onto the couch.]

Welcome to Fable Features! I’ve gotta start by asking: What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?


[Jane sits down, elegant and graceful as ever.]

Thank you so much for this, Patricia.

[She peers at the marbles with amusement.]

I don't think I have seen these since my son Markham turned twelve! Such memories!

[A glimpse of sadness crosses over Jane's face. She brightens up, though, and turns to Patricia.]

Sorry, I got distracted there.

[She laughs.]


[Patricia waves a hand and smiles.]

That’s completely alright!


To answer your question, I think it might have been when my husband, Herbert, brought his friends over to the house for the evening.

[Jane takes a sip of tea]

One of them was an off-duty Persuader and accidentally—

[she chuckles]

—caused everyone at the table to think they had taken on the appearance of an animal!

[Jane laughs tenderly, beaming a bright smile.]

Herbert thought he had become a mole of all things! And that Persuader buzzed around like a fly. That was the strangest thing a guest has ever done in my home!

[She sighs contentedly. Jane leans forward and puts a hand on Patricia's seat momentarily.]

You must understand that I don't like Tricksters as much as the next Natalialite woman, but that moment was truly amusing.


That does sound hilarious! And imagine, a grown man thinking he had become a mole.

[Patricia laughs, shaking her head.]

I am such a huge foodie. You? What’s your favorite type of sandwich?


[Jane gasps in delight and claps her hands together.]

I love a grilled turkey and cucumber sandwich! When the turkey is grilled just right, cucumber gives such a refreshing aftertaste.

[She lets out a satisfied mmm complete with a chief's kiss.]

It's the most delightful thing Natalya can do to bless her children.


That sounds delicious! I’ll have to try a grilled turkey and cucumber sandwich next time I’m making lunch.

On the topic of food, I’ve had this ongoing debate with my sister, and I’d love to hear your input: Is a hotdog a sandwich?


[Jane is deep in thought, tapping her fingers on the armrest.]

Sorry Patricia, but I have no idea what a hot dog is. Is it similar to the foods the Zollvi eat? You know, they put a sausage in a roll with potatoes on the side? Maybe it could be a sandwich.

[Jane shrugs.]

But I believe I need to know more before I can give an opinion.


Oh, for sure. Forgive me for not describing it better! It does actually sound similar to Zollvi foods. It might be easiest if I show you an example.

[Patricia turns toward the studio door.]

Could we get a hotdog in here?

[A hotdog is brought on a plate and handed to Patricia. Patricia gives it to Jane.]

What do you think?


[Jane peers closely at the food. She then picks up the plate and examines it further before biting down.]

Mmm. That is delicious! Very close to the Zollvi rendition!

[She puts down the plate.]

Perhaps I could get the recipe from you after the interview, Patricia? I would love to try and make this at home!

[She sneakily eats the rest of it as the interview continues.]


[Patricia laughs.]

Of course!

So obviously I’m passionate about food. But I want to know more about your passions. What gets you excited?


I am a nurse at the Sky’s Reach General Hospital, so I love helping people. The Healing Arts in particular have been a great passion of mine since I was a little girl.

Like any good Natalianite—

[Jane chuckles]

—I am very passionate about sport and fitness, as it is important for mages to remain at peak physical perfection for our magic to remain potent and show our devotion to Natalya.

[Jane looks like she is trying to remember something.]

“Carve yourself in my image and nature shall be at your command.” The Golden Sun chapter three, verse nine. That's right!

[She sighs in relief.]

I can still remember my verses.

Anyway, I also read too many books, I am head of my local book club, and I am always donating books to libraries when I run out of room. Herbert is in competition with me on who can read the most in a month.

[She chuckles]

I always win of course.

[Jane winks playfully at this.]


[Patricia grins back.]

But of course!


And of course I can't ignore my lovely children. Markham and Mary-Anne, they are my pride and joy.

[Her eyes brighten, seeming to remember something.]

My youngest, Mary-Anne, has recently graduated top of her class as a water mage from Bluevail! I tell you, Patricia, I never felt more proud seeing her at the graduation ceremony. Both my children are such blessings for me and Herbert.

I think that's about it—

[She suddenly remembers something]

—oh, I love chocolate, I consume too much chocolate for my own good.

[Jane laughs.]


I love chocolate too! You can never have too much.

It sounds like you have an amazing family. I would be very proud, too. Speaking of family, how did you meet your husband? Herbert sounds perfect for you!


Oh he is, Pat.

[Jane gives a bashful laugh.]

I met him when I was about twenty-four years of age. I was a newly minted nurse at Cold Mountain taking my first shift. Herbert was incarcerated for terrible burns.

[She shudders from the memory.]

I think it involved something with molten steel falling on him. Poor dear couldn’t move to save his life, but over the course of his two-month stay, I just found him charming. After he was fully healed, he asked me over to tea and the rest was as they say,

[she says this with a knowing aside,]

is history! I was married to him within three years and had my Markham one year after that.

[She glows with happy memories.]

I saw so much of Iris with him, not just the Zollvi Republic after the Blood Moon Crisis but the whole content of Helios!

I wish we were young now. The Sweltering Jungles I have been told include large predatory lizards and plants that eat people!

[Jane laughs.]

But those adventures are past us now. I doubt we will be visiting that place until the . . .

[Jane pauses, trying to remember something.]

Oh yes, the dinosaurs are under control. Then I think it would be safe then.


Wow, plants that eat people and dinosaurs? You two are a wild couple to want to visit places like that. Thank you for sharing that story about how you met! It’s very sweet.

[Patricia taps her chin, thinking.]

What is something you thought would be a great idea but was terrible when you actually did it?


When I was young, about my daughter's age, I tried to make contact with Fae. I was a curious girl and wanted to meet a Fairy for myself after hearing so much about them.

I was overly prepared if I would be honest with you, Patricia. I only knew them as thieves and drug dealers as part of church wisdom.

But when I got to the nearest Fae forest.

[She scratches her chin in thought, before snapping her fingers.]

Yes, it was Piperfell, that was the one.



[Patricia leans forward, curious to hear more.]


Yes, it was Piperfell.

I snuck inside and was soon set upon by a group of five Gnomes and three Fairies.

[She lets out a breath from the memory.]

It was rather scary, Patricia. But I was able to show them that I meant no harm.

I spent the afternoon with them. Honestly Patricia, they were some of the nicest non-humans I have met, I learnt so much about them that I was shocked to my core.

But after I left, I was sent by the Church to be educated.

[She gulps before putting on a smile.]

On the dangers of the Fae, they had planned to steal my firstborn with a Changeling if I had eaten any of the food they served.

[She adds in haste,]

Fortunately I was not hungry. But they were very persuasive.

[Jane sighs.]

I should have known better, I should have been better prepared and should have trusted the Church.

[She looks guilty, as if confessing a major crime in public. The smile returns, and she claps her hands together in a strained attempt to appear happy.]

But that was in the past, no harm was done, just a young person not thinking through all possible risks. I might try to find some Fae when Herbert and I next holiday in Bluewoods.


That’s such a close call. I’m very glad you didn’t eat their food! Fae can be quite tricky creatures, hmm? I myself haven’t had too many dealings with them, but I’ve heard stories.

Ooh, our next question is a fun one! If you could combine traits of two animals into one, what animals would you choose?


[A wicked glint flashes inside Jane’s eye.]

I would love to mix the loyalty of a dog with the grace of a unicorn.

[She chuckles.]

I don't know why but I feel that a union of those two could make a magnificent animal.


That would be an interesting combination!

What place would you like to visit someday?


I would love to visit the Arid Crown someday. To see the Quazarm ruins and explore the vast underground cities the Al'ard Alnaas have built. I have been meaning to ask Herbert to put aside the money for the trip!


Sounds like it would be an amazing trip! I’m not quite familiar with the Al’ard Alnaas. Who is that?


They are a race of Golems, native to the Arid Crown. They were once a weapon of war for the now extinct Quazarm. They are imposing creatures, towering at nine to ten feet tall and made entirely of granite or other earthen materials.

[Jane sighs.]

They are still recovering all the history of their creators, so much lost after the Demon Invasion.  The ruins are the biggest relic of that civilization left. I want to see it before I am too old to travel, and Herbert agrees with me.


I hope you get the chance to see the ruins. Sounds like it would be a very cool thing to see!

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?


[Jane grows crestfallen.]

Letting go of my children.

I had to let Markham go to the front line shortly before Mary-Anne entered Bluevail Academy. His letters have grown infrequent since year two of Mary-Anne’s studies and have ceased before her graduation. It's hard to not worry about your children, it's hard to not panic when there is a war going on.

[She holds her hands up in defense.]

I know that he is serving the Church well and that is fantastic. But you can't blame a mother for wanting to keep her children close to her. I know Mary-Anne is going to enlist at some point. I am proud of her, I truly am but,

[she pauses,]

I don't want her to get hurt, that's all.

Saying goodbye to your kids is one of the hardest things I will ever have to do. But the chicks must fly sometime.

[Jane sounds rather sad.]


I don’t blame you in the least bit. I’d be a worried wreck if I were in your shoes. And true, you have to let the children grow up and leave the nest at some point. But knowing that doesn’t make it any easier.

[Patricia stands.]

Well thank you so much for coming out today! I will make sure to get you the hotdog recipe.

I hope the best for you and Herbert and that your children stay safe during this war.


I have every faith in Natalya to deliver us from the Sako threat.

End of interview.


Want to Read More?

Find out more about Jane’s author, Stuart Tudor, here! Emerald Baptism is not out quite yet, but in the meantime check out Stuart’s other books.

author Stuart Tudor


See Ya Next Time

Aaand that's all the time we have today. Thank you, readers, for coming. And thank you, Jane, for letting us get to know you! See y'all next time.


If you would like to submit a character to be interviewed for a future issue of Fable Features, please send an email to with the subject line: Fable Features.

Please note that erotica and content with excessive vulgar language will not be accepted.

If you have questions you'd like Patricia Parrington to ask in a future interview, please submit them to with the subject line: Interview Questions.

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