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Lucian Ciobanu

September Character Interview

Patricia Parrington ~ September 17, 2024

Hello my lovely readers and fellow book-lovers! For those of you who are new here, I, your fabulous host, Patricia Parrington, have the pleasure of interviewing characters from books all over the world.

Today we have here with us Lucian Ciobanu from the book The Rift: Beginnings by Vaughn Collar. Vaughn is a beginning author and long-time fan of sci-fi. He felt he had a story to tell, but as he developed the book, he realized the story couldn’t be limited to just one book.


Meet Lucian

[Patricia moves a checkered pillow on the couch then leans back and smooths out the skirt of her mahogany dress.]

Welcome to Fable Features! I’m excited to get to know you. So where are you from?


I was born in Petrosani, Romania. I moved away after my teen years, travelled for universities, but finally realized that Petrosani is where I want to settle down.


Very nice! What drew you back to Petrosani?


I have been working on an archeological dig in the mountains to the west of town. An ancient monastery has beckoned to me for years. With some issues that led to my resignation from Leiden University, I decided to come back full time. The town hasn’t changed much, and I needed something familiar.


I’m glad you were able to return to a familiar place then. And an ancient monastery sounds exciting!

[Patricia cocks her head, thinking.]

What’s something you were taught when you were young that you still remember today?


To trust only in myself. I’ve lost so much in my life: my parents, my first . . . and only love. Too much loss, too many betrayals.


[Patricia’s eyes lower.]

I’m sorry to hear that. Loss is hard, and when it comes in waves like that . . .

[Patricia shakes her head then looks up.]

Well let’s move onto the next question! Do you have any nicknames?


Not that I’m aware of. In my youth . . . Scar.

[Lucian points to a scar running from his left eye down to his mouth.]


[Patricia leans forward to get a better look, green eyes wide.]

Wow, that’s quite a scar! If you don’t mind me asking, how’d you come by it?


Defending my mother’s reputation led to . . . a less than successful fight with a couple of boys older than I, in school. One had a knife. Didn’t help that I was homeless and had no way to get medical care immediately at the time.


I’m sorry that happened. I’m glad you came out of it with only a scar—that sounds scary!

What’s a lie you’ve had to combat?


Mostly about my mother. She contracted AIDS when I was a teen and was called many things, all saying she was a loose woman. It was a dirty needle, had nothing to do with sex.


People can be cruel, can’t they? I’m sorry to hear you’ve had to struggle against those harsh lies.

[Patricia taps her chin, thinking.]

Changing the topic to something more lighthearted here, what’s your favorite bird?


Never really had one until recently. There is a sparrowhawk that has nested in a tree not far from my house. It’s learned to trust me, and I leave it the occasional small meal.


That’s very cool! I used to have a robin nesting beneath my deck. But then Scribblemore, my pseudodragon, ate it . . .

[Patricia sighs then returns her attention to her guest.]

Has someone ever done a random act of kindness to you?


Yes, maybe the only one. The principal of my high school took me in after my mother passed away. I had to keep my grades and attendance up . . . I didn’t look at that as a barrier, more of a challenge. When I graduated, he and his wife helped me to complete forms for university.


They sound like amazing people! I’m glad you were able to experience some kindness from them.

What’s your comfort food?


Easy. American cheeseburgers! I learned to enjoy them when I attended Georgetown for a master’s.


[Patricia licks her lips.]

I love cheeseburgers too!

What’s something you would have a super hard time turning down if it were offered to you?


Exploring the legends and the mythology of India comes to mind immediately. It is one of the few I haven’t had the chance to look into.


Oh interesting! Is there a certain legend or mythology you would begin looking into first if the opportunity arose?


Not that I ever expect the Middle East to ever settle down, but if it did . . . finding the Ring of Solomon, if it even exists, would have to be goal # 1 of almost any archeologist/historian. If you ask any of us, it would be top five, immediately after such items as The Holy Grail . . . Ark of the Covenant . . . the Footprints of Mohammed . . . or a lost tale of Gilgamesh.


Those all sound fascinating!

[Patricia smiles.]

Well it was lovely meeting you and getting to hear about your interests. I wish you the best of luck with your future adventures!

End of interview.


Want to Read More?

Lucian’s author, Vaughn Collar, would love to invite you into the world of The Rift! You can purchase book 1 here.


See Ya Next Time

Aaand that's all the time we have today. Thank you, readers, for coming. And thank you, Lucian, for letting us get to know you! See y'all next time.


If you would like to submit a character to be interviewed for a future issue of Fable Features, please send an email to with the subject line: Fable Features.

Please note that erotica and content with excessive vulgar language will not be accepted.

If you have questions you'd like Patricia Parrington to ask in a future interview, please submit them to with the subject line: Interview Questions.

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