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September Character Interview

Patricia Parrington ~ September 1, 2024

Hello my lovely readers and fellow book-lovers! For those of you who are new here, I, your dragon-loving host, Patricia Parrington, have the pleasure of interviewing characters from books all over the world.

Today we have here with us Rosa-Fury, a dragon from the book Mandorlinfiore and the Dragons of Zonza by Simon Kellow-Bingham. Simon studied medieval literature at Middlesex and Bristol Universities in the UK. He lives with his family in Northwestern France.


Meet Rosa-Fury

Welcome to Fable Features!

[Patricia yawns and takes a sip of coffee.]

Sorry, I had a weird dream last night and sleep wasn’t very restful. But I’ve got my caffeine, so we are good to go!

[Patricia cocks her head and looks at the dragon seated across from her.]

What’s the last dream you remember?


Dear me, there’s a question! I dream of gold mostly, but recently my nights have been calm and undisturbed, which is nice. I am a simple creature, delighting in gold as gold delights in me, and so I dream of it often, the sparkle of it, the glow.


That sounds like a very peaceful thing to dream about!

[Patricia takes another sip of coffee.]

Without saying the category, what are your top five?


Mackerel, herring, sardines, anchovies, seabass.


[Patricia nods, mulling over the list.]


Do you like fish, then?


The island of Corsica is surrounded by fisherfolk, and the seas are filled with a wonderful selection of fish. They are silver and sparkle in either sun or moonlight like jewels. Besides, there are fewer knights in their tin armor coming to see me these days, so fish does very well instead.


That works out well then.

Speaking of sparkly things like jewels, if you were to suddenly get very rich, what would you do with all the wealth?


Oh, my dear, I am probably rich beyond measure on my bed of gold, jewelry, and precious stones, but I could never spend it. If more was to arrive in my cavern I would simply nestle more snugly into its embrace.


Very nice. That’s a unique way to use your wealth! I can tell you like gold a lot. Have you always liked gold since you were young?


I was hatched on a great big pile of gold under a mountain, far, far away. I loved it then, and I love it still.


Wow, I wish I was born on a big pile of gold! No wonder you love it so much.

[Patricia takes another sip of her coffee.]

What are you most proud of?


I love my little one, Baba-di-Camelo, and am very proud of how quickly she has earned her wings and learned how to stay out of sight in a busy, busy world full of humans!


That’s great! It certainly would be hard to stay out of sight in this world. Speaking of staying out of sight—do the humans not like dragons where you live?


I dare say the humans would be perfectly happy to see me, but people find it terribly hard to leave a dragon alone with her hoard and her family.


[Patricia nods.]

I can see that. Humans have a hard time not being tempted by a great amassment of wealth. Let's go onto our next question!

Do you have a best friend?


As an immortal being, best friends tend to come and go. There was a chap called Mandorlinfiore who read me poetry. He was very pleasant. Made sure I got the best of a catch of mackerel!

I’d like to make friends with a poet. I met one or two a long time ago. There was one chap called Petrarch. An Italian boy, very romantic he was, but he didn’t write any poetry about the majesty of dragons.

There are so many more poets today, I’m sure to meet another one!


Mandorlinfiore sounds like he was a great friend.

[Patricia taps her chin.]

Let’s turn this question around. Is there anyone you absolutely can’t stand?


Not really. Anyone who thinks they deserve a portion of my treasure hoard will come in for my displeasure, but my cavern is not terribly easy to get to without wings! The king of Zonza was a beast, and that old magician, the Mazerre, who thought she could trap me and steal my gold, I didn’t like her!


[Patricia scowls.]

She tried to steal your gold? I don’t like her either.

[A grin replaces the scowl on her lips.]

You seem very powerful and decisive. I wonder . . . What’s a funny or embarrassing thing that happened to you?


Oh, dear heart, funny and embarrassing things don’t happen to creatures of my standing!


[Patricia laughs.]

Fair enough!

What do you feel like is your life’s purpose?


I’d like my little one to inherit my love of poetry, but I think stargazing is more her thing. As long as she is happy, I have my purpose!


I love that you care about her interests. And who knows? Maybe she’ll end up liking stargazing and poetry!

[Patricia smiles and stands.]

Looks like we’re out of time for today. Thanks again for coming by! I enjoyed getting to know you.

End of interview.


Want to Read More?

Rosa-Fury’s author, Simon Kellow-Bingham, can be found at his website. His book Mandorlinfiore and the Dragons of Zonza can be purchased here.

Rosa-Fury. Art by Maya Kellow-Bingham

Author Simon Kellow-Bingham


See Ya Next Time

Aaand that's all the time we have today. Thank you, readers, for coming. And thank you, Rosa-Fury, for letting us get to know you! See y'all next time.


If you would like to submit a character to be interviewed for a future issue of Fable Features, please send an email to with the subject line: Fable Features.

Please note that erotica and content with excessive vulgar language will not be accepted.

If you have questions you'd like Patricia Parrington to ask in a future interview, please submit them to with the subject line: Interview Questions.

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