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Lovina Graber

August Character Interview

Patricia Parrington ~ August 8, 2023

Hello my lovely readers and fellow book-lovers! For those of you who are new here, I, your dragon-loving host, Patricia Parrington, have the pleasure of interviewing characters from books all over the world.

Today we have here with us Lovina Graber from the book Under the Blue Skies by Elly Gilbert. Based out of central Kentucky, Elly is a wife and mom who loves to read and write inspirational stories and devotions for women and teens.


Meet Lovina

[Patricia moves over a fluffy orange pillow, clasps her hands in her lap, then smiles at the woman settling onto a sky-blue sofa opposite her.]

Welcome to Fable Features! It’s so nice to meet you, Lovina. So where did you grow up?

I grew up in West Kootenai, Montana. It’s a tiny little town up in the very north-westernmost corner of the state, very near the Canadian border.

That sounds very nice! What’s “home” for you now?

I’ve lived in West Kootenai all my life. My family owns a Christmas tree farm, and I try to help them with that and with things around the house. Most of my sisters have married, moved away, and started families, so I feel like I need to step up and be the one Mem and Dat can count on.

Oh wow! A Christmas tree farm, huh? What things do you do to help out with that business?

Over the years, I’ve done nearly everything you can think of! When I was a teenager, my twin sister Josie and I worked in the office—taking orders and payments, scheduling deliveries, and such. My favorite thing to do on the farm is show folks around and help them pick the perfect tree for their family.

That sounds like a wonderful job.

[Patricia fiddles with the lacing on the front of her dress.]

What’s a favorite piece of clothing you own?

[Lovina twirls the strings of her kapp in her fingers as she thinks.]

As an Amish person, I don’t put much stock in outward appearances. I dress plain and try not to draw too much attention to myself. However, I must confess that I made myself a sky blue dress last summer out of some gorgeous fabric I found at a shop in Kalispell. Every time I look at that dress, I think about how God created everything to be so beautiful.

That sounds beautiful—and such a great reminder, too! Do you have a favorite piece of creation that God made?

Living in these gorgeous mountains gives me lots of choices for a favorite. It’s hard to choose just one. I think the wildflowers that grow in our area are my favorite because they are not only beautiful but useful too! I make many different home remedies and delicious teas from them, plus they nourish the wildlife in the area. God’s creation never ceases to amaze me.

Very cool!

So what have you found more helpful than you ever imagined it could be?

Prayer. I know that probably sounds simple to you, but I’ve really learned to take everything, even the most basic issues, to God. It helps me to keep from meddling too much in the problem myself if I turn it over to God. I figure He doesn’t really need my help and if He does, He’ll ask—which happens every now and again!

Your faith sounds so strong! I really admire that.

[Patricia taps her chin, thinking.]

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?

[Lovina’s hand drifts to her cheek, tracing the puckered scar.]

Hmmm. That’s a tough question. It was really hard for me when my sister Josie moved to Kentucky. She’s my twin and now I hardly ever see her. Seems like she’s so far away.

[Patricia nods.]

That’s hard. I have a sister too—an older sister—and she lives in Spain. Was there anything that helped you in those first weeks when she was gone?

We wrote a lot of letters back and forth, which helped. My younger sisters were still home with me, then, so I had plenty of company, too.

Letter-writing is a great idea. And certainly helpful, too, that your little sister was around!

If you could choose to be famous for something, what would it be?

Probably my tea blends. I’ve spent so much time studying herbs and flowers and learning how to make the best healing blends. I don’t want to be famous, but I do wish everyone could try my teas for themselves.

That’s a great talent! Herbal tea is my favorite. I’ll have to come by and try some of yours sometime.

[Patricia brushes some hair away from her face.]

What was the best compliment you’ve ever received?

[Laughs nervously.]

The Amish aren’t so keen on complimenting one another, and I’m sure not someone others pay a lot of attention to. I guess one of the best compliments I’ve been given was when Millie Arnold’s husband passed away and I took dinner over to her. She said I had made the best stewed tomatoes she’d ever tasted. That meant a lot coming from Millie who is known for her hospitality.

Sounds like you have a talent for cooking as well. And a kind heart, which I would argue is more important.

[Patricia smiles then taps her wrist.]

We’ve got time for one last question, so here it is: How do you want others to perceive you?

My mem taught me a long time ago that what others think of me is none of my business. I try to follow that most of the time, but I do want others to feel free to come to me for help. That’s my purpose, I believe, to be a helper.

That’s a very good purpose and from what I’ve learned this evening, sounds like you’re already someone people can trust to come to for help and advice.

Well, it was such a pleasure meeting you, Lovina! I hope you the very best in whatever comes your way.

[Patricia stands and grins.]

And hopefully you’ll get to visit your sister sometime, too!

End of interview.


Want to Read More?

Lovina’s author, Elly Gilbert, can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and on her website, She’d love to connect! Her book (which released today!) can be purchased here.


See Ya Next Month

Aaaand that's all the time we have today. Thank you, readers, for coming. And thank you, Lovina, for letting us get to know you. See y'all next month, and until then, stay outta trouble and keep writing!


If you would like to submit a character to be interviewed for a future issue of Fable Features, please send an email to with the subject line: Fable Features.

If you have questions you'd like Patricia Parrington to ask in a future interview, please submit them to with the subject line: Interview Questions.

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