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July Character Interview

Patricia Parrington ~ July 1, 2023

Hello my lovely readers and fellow book-lovers! For those of you who are new here, I, your magical quill-wielding host, Patricia Parrington, have the pleasure of interviewing characters from books all over the world.

Today we have here with us Camilla from the book Heart of Fire by Raina Nightingale. Raina Nightingale’s been writing since she learned how to read at eight years old, has loved dragons for even longer, and calls her fantasy dawndark.


Meet Camilla

[Patricia sits on the edge of a suede orange couch, a golden quill floating at her shoulder.]

Welcome to Fable Features! I’m glad you were able to join us today. So tell me—what’s your day-to-day life look like?

It depends on who I'm supposed to be serving. Brooming their paths that don't need it, so everything can be perfect for them. Making their favorite meals. Repairing their roofs. Mending or helping to make my clothes, so they can ignore the fact I'm not a pretty decoration. I hate all of it, and one day I will be free, and I will free my family.

[Camilla’s eyes glow with determination. This is her hope, her dream, and what keeps her going.]

I love your determination!

[Patricia leans forward.]

Who are these people you’re forced to serve? How’d you get into that position? If you can say, of course. I don’t want you getting into trouble.

It is hardly a secret, and if it was, I’d be more than happy to reveal it! They’re Wood Elves, and they think that humans are inferior. That we can’t use magic, which is a lie. Maybe they can do some magic better than we can, but we can do some magic better, too! They also say we’ll harm the dragons if we bond to them, and that their life-mages changed the dragons so the species could survive, but all of that is lies, too. And . . .

[She leans forward earnestly, and her voice drops, low and bitter.]

It’s nothing I ever did. I was born here. Like Mom and Dad were, and many others.

I’m sorry to hear that. It certainly isn’t fair to you and your people.

[Patricia’s golden quill wiggles up and down as if nodding in agreement.]

Would you consider yourself decisive or indecisive?

I do not know what that means. But I do not often regret my choices.

I think that’s a good thing. I’ve certainly made some choices when I was younger that I regret.

[Patricia shakes her head and chuckles.]

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

[Camilla's eyes glow even angrier.]

Everyone should have the power of not being at the mercy of everyone else.

[Her voice is hot enough to set wet grass aflame]

Not having to be a slave, unless they want to be.

[Her voice drips with disdain.]

In that case, I do not care. But all of us who want to be free, should have that power. That is all I care about.

[Patricia nods.]

Yes, that is sorely needed in this broken world. And I hope one day that brokenness will be fixed.

[Her gaze drifts away for a moment, memories only she can see flicking before her emerald eyes. Then she returns her focus to Camilla.]

Onto our next question, yes? What’s the strangest way you met one of your friends?

I don't know of any strange ways I have met anyone. Occasionally, people come from other compounds, if that's what you are asking. I am not close with any of them, though.

That’s fair.

[Patricia cocks her head.]

Have you had a friend before? Or ever wanted one?

[Camilla’s eyes shift through moods, before lighting on one that’s eager and hopeful for a moment.]

I want to be friends with a dragon. That would be enough. And—since there’s no way anything I tell you is getting back to them—if I can just manage to be there when the eggs hatch in a few weeks, I might be able to! Otherwise . . .

[Her voice slows, a bit reflective as she mulls through what she wants to say.]

I suppose so. Sometimes. But Mom and Lavilor are mostly enough for me, though I would like it if more people were like me. If I had someone like me to work together with. But defying the Wood Elves makes one’s life more uncomfortable . . . and I have a little snitch who hates me and makes it even harder on all of us who would like to be free, as she evidently does not. She makes it hard for me to connect to anyone, too. I hate her.

[The growl in Camilla’s voice, and the look on her face, is fierce enough to be terrifying, but she continues.]

So I’m not close with anyone else, but.

[She waves her hand.]

It’s okay. I don’t need to be. And certainly not if a dragon chooses me!

[The smile is back for a moment, bright and glorious.]

[Patricia smiles softly.]

Dragons are wonderful creatures, aren’t they?

So who do you usually turn to for help?

[Camilla threads a lock of hair between her fingers.]

No one. It would not be fair to pester Mom for help, even when I can. Life is hard enough for her, and my little brother needs her, when they can be together.

That makes sense. Still, it must be wearying having to carry your own worries and burdens by yourself.

[Patricia absently grabs the quill and taps her chin with it.]

If you had to name one thing about you that stands out from others, what would that be?

[She drops the lock of hair and straightens, head high.]

I do not for a moment believe the elves that we humans are inferior, incapable of being mages, or that we will harm the dragons if we bond to them. The elves lie, and I know they are wrong. This is a secret, and do not share it with anyone—I do not know why I am trusting you with it—but I can shadow-blend, even though that's something only Wood Elves are supposed to be able to do.

[Her eyes drop a little.]

Of course, I'm not quite alone in this. Mom doesn't believe the elves either and neither did Dad. I doubt Lavilor does. But many of the others do, and perhaps that is why most of them are more accepting of being the Wood Elves' slaves.

I agree with you—even though we’ve just met, I can tell you are far from inferior. And that ability sounds amazing! I’d ask for more details, but I understand you’d like to keep it secret.

[Patricia grows quiet for a moment, and her gaze wanders around the room.]

So many become wrongly enslaved and hurt because of abilities or lack thereof.

[Her eyes return to Camilla’s.]

Do you think your people will ever be free?

[Camilla bares her teeth in a ferocious smile.]

If I can make that happen, I will!

[Patricia grins as well.]

Something tells me that if anyone can, it will be you. It will certainly be a risky endeavor, though. I’m curious, have you ever had a close encounter with death?

[She flicks a clinging lock of hair away from her cheek.]

Things have been uncomfortable at times.

[Her eyes lock with Patricia’s, possessed with a terrible fire.]

But I have Never. Wished. For. Death.

You sound like a very strong woman.

[The quill jerks itself out of Patricia’s grasp and swirls around her head. Patricia bats it away.]

Looks like we have time for one last question, so here it is: What does perfect happiness look like to you?

[Eyes shifting towards happiness, just as fiery and passionate as her anger, and uplifted on dreams above the clouds, she answers.]

To ride a dragon and be free. I would do anything for the chance to bond to a dragon. To share your soul with another creature like that . . .

[A small smile touches Patricia’s lips.]

I cannot gift you your own dragon or your freedom, but I can perhaps come close to the former. Would you like to spend some time with my pseudodragon, Scribblemore? He’s here at the studio, waiting for me in the back.

[Camilla looks confused and taken aback by the offer.]

I could give it a try?

[Patricia stands and gestures for Camilla to follow.]

Something tells me you two will become fast friends.

End of interview.


Want to Read More?

Camilla’s author, Raina Nightingale, can be found on Twitter and at her website, Heart of Fire can be found here or on Goodreads.

(Character art below by Midnight Rose)


See Ya Next Month

Aaaand that's all the time we have today. Thank you, readers, for coming. And thank you, Camilla, for letting us get to know you! See y'all next month, and until then, stay outta trouble and keep writing!


If you would like to submit a character to be interviewed for a future issue of Fable Features, please send an email to with the subject line: Fable Features.

If you have questions you'd like Patricia Parrington to ask in a future interview, please submit them to with the subject line: Interview Questions.

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Thank you for the feature! This was really fun to do :)


You're welcome! I enjoyed getting to know Camilla

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