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March Character Interview

Patricia Parrington ~ March 1, 2024

Hello my lovely readers and fellow book-lovers! For those of you who are new here, I, your wonderful host, Patricia Parrington, have the pleasure of interviewing characters from books all over the world.

Today we have here with us Unna and her Auntie Elvi from Turquoise Venom, book 1 in The Devils of Wevrai series by Kova Killian. Kova is a weaver of dark realms and a mom with too much of an imagination.


Meet Unna

[Patricia walks in with a 9-year-old Feral Adarna pixie and an older, stern-looking Feral behind her. The little girl clings tightly to hand of the older Feral.]

[Patricia sits on the suede orange couch opposite them.]

Welcome to Fable Features! It’s nice to meet you, little one. So where did you grow up?


[Unna twists her burlap-colored skirt with pink tassles in her hands.]

I um . . . I’m from the forestlands. A clan by the, the um . . .

[Unna looks back at the stern woman—Elvi—standing behind her who just nods for her to keep going.]

By the bridge to the . . .


[Elvi gives her a smile.]

The bridge to the council. Relax, young one. Talk to her just like you’re talking to me or Sir or anyone else at the palace.


Right, sorry, Auntie.

[Unna sighs and looks back at Patricia.]

My mama was a pixie and my daddy was an Adarna Bird shifter.


Wow, that’s very cool!

[Patricia smiles encouragingly.]

So what’s “home” for you now?


[Unna smiles.]

A big palace that Mr. Zadkiel made really pretty! When I first saw it, it was gross-looking and the floors were rotten in some of the rooms.


[Elvi chuckles.]

It was abandoned for twenty years.


That is so cool! Tell me more about this palace. What does it look like now? Do you have a favorite room?


[Unna bounces in her seat.]

It's really big! And they painted it white and hung pretty crystal chandeliers and there’s ponds in the garden full of Sun Bass in all sorts of colors! Oh and a lake out of the far corner of the wall. But I think my favorite room would be mine and . . . and Auntie’s.


[Elvi furrows her brow]



Yeah! It's pretty and white and turquoise and purple and there’s soft things all over.


Your room has the same things!


But yours are better.


[Patricia laughs.]

You almost sound like me and my older sister!

Here’s our next question, Miss Unna: What’s a favorite piece of clothing you own?


[Unna’s brows furrow and she looks over her clothes and then tugs on her pink and white apron.]

This! I can carry all sorts of things in it like rocks and sparkly things.


And use it to swing across the entry hall like a little goblin.


That was once!


[Patricia chuckles at their banter.]

I like collecting sparkly things too. Sometimes my pseudodragon, Scribblemore, helps me out.

Speaking of animals, if you could combine traits of two animals into one, what animals would you choose?


[Unna smiles with excitement.]

A hellhound and . . . and hm . . . a dragon!


A hellhound dragon?

[Elvi’s face screws up in shock.]


Yeah! Hellhounds are sweet.


And ugly.


[Unna pouts.]

No. And they’re loyal and depending on the dragon gives you stuff like the glass spitters!


That certainly sounds like an interesting combination! What would you name it?


Um, Turkey . . . no Ginger . . . wait.

[Unna fumbles with her words.]


[Elvi looks at her, amused.]

Why not Nova or Lily?


No! that's Mr. Zadkiel’s favorite flower!


Then Blade or Lightning.


[Unna crosses her arms.]

No, something cute. Pop . . . corn . . . Popcorn? Candy floss.


Brownie, Blondie, Lochran, Bones, Spooky, Ghosty.


Lochran? Why Mr. Lochran? No, I like Spooky and Ghosty and Brownie. I don’t know, naming something is hard!


[Patricia nods in agreement.]

It certainly is! We can revisit that question another time.

What place would you like to visit?


I want to visit the All Mother in the winterlands for the winter.

[Elvi’s nose scrunches up.]

I don't know about that one.


[Unna leans towards Patricia and whispers,]

Auntie thinks they don’t want her there and doesn’t believe me when I tell her they always talk about her.




[Patricia whispers back,]

Hmm well hopefully she’ll come around, yeah?


I hope so,

[Unna whispers, peeking back at Elvi.]


If you could choose to be famous for something, what would it be?


[Unna looks up trying to think of something.]

Healing . . . no . . . dancing . . . no . . . healing and dancing!


Those are very ambitious aspirations! What inspired you to want to heal and dance?


My mama was the best dancer and I always wanted to dance like her when we do our celebrations and then my daddy can heal, and so can Auntie actually.


Dance or heal?




Sorta . . .



[Patricia grins at Elvi.]

Sounds like she has a lot of confidence in your abilities!

[To Unna she asks,]

What was the best compliment you’ve ever received?


When Auntie told me I was good with the play knife and will make me a real one after I get my name from the All Mother.

[Unna quickly glances back.]


[Elvi looks around the room, avoiding Unna’s eye contact.]

 Never said when that’ll be.


In the winter, duh!


[Patricia smiles then grows serious.]

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?


Fight Auntie.

[Unna beams.]


[Elvi looks at Unna and then Patricia.]

Play fight. It’s how we teach the young ones to take care of themselves.


[Unna pouts and crosses her arms.]

It was still hard.


Just because it’s practice doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy.


[Patricia laughs then stands.]

Well thank you, Unna and Elvi, for coming out today. I enjoyed talking with you!


End of interview.


Want to Read More?

Unna’s author, Kova Killian, can be found on Tiktok. You can find her other books at and sign up for her newsletter to find out when and where you can read more about Unna and her Auntie Elvi.

Character art by @Miloszdelgado on Instagram


See Ya Next Month

Aaaand that's all the time we have today. Thank you, readers, for coming. And thank you, Unna and Elvi, for letting us get to know you. See y'all next month, and until then, stay outta trouble and keep writing!


If you would like to submit a character to be interviewed for a future issue of Fable Features, please send an email to with the subject line: Fable Features.

Please note that erotica and content with excessive vulgar language will not be accepted.

If you have questions you'd like Patricia Parrington to ask in a future interview, please submit them to with the subject line: Interview Questions.

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