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January Character Interview

Patricia Parrington ~ January 2, 2024

Hello my lovely readers and fellow book-lovers! Happy New Year! For those of you who are new here, I, your fantastic host, Patricia Parrington, have the pleasure of interviewing characters from books all over the world.

Today we have here with us Aran from the books Silver & Salt and Bound in Blood by Mark. Mark writes horror and urban fantasy and dystopian. Really, he just throws them into a cyber blender and leaves the lid off to see what splatters the walls.


Meet Aran

[Patricia and Aran enter and settle onto a matching pair of orange suede sofas.]

Welcome to Fable Features! Tell me a little about yourself. What’s your favorite color? What do you do for a living?


[Aran begins signing his words.]

Mostly making sure my brother and his girlfriend don’t get themselves too tangled up in the affairs of gods. Sometimes that feels like a full-time job and a half. My favorite color . . . ? Ah, no preference exactly.


[Patricia switches over to sign language as well.]

What’s a typical day look like for you?


[Aran gives a slight laugh.]

I’m not deaf, just mute. A typical day? I usually spend it on or near the water if I can. Going inland to any great degree causes problems for me. Beyond that, I guess you’d see it as not much of a life.

[He looks away.]

 This was a dare from Tristan, damn the kit, he didn’t think I’d actually go through with the interview. Guess I owe him a twenty now.


[Patricia gives a sheepish grin and speaks aloud.]

My bad! Some people are more comfortable signing. I should’ve asked first.

What kinds of problems could going inland cause?


[Aran’s mouth thins slightly.]

Nothing that you need to be worried about. I won’t drown you or the rest of the studio cast. I’m—it’s . . . complicated. Too long without a swim and I just make myself sick. That’s the slightly more pleasant version of what could happen.


That doesn’t sound good for you! And there’s not really water in this studio.

[Patricia glances around the studio, worried.]

Do you need water nearby? I wouldn’t want you to start feeling sick.


[Aran shakes his head.]

I’m fine, for now. It has to be natural water, not someone’s chlorinated pool. I took care of that a day or two ago, but I’ll let you know if things get tight or itchy for me.

[He gives a small grimace.]

Usually starts with something that looks like a bad sunburn. And your studio lights aren’t helping. 


Ahh, okay. Well, let’s try to zoom through the rest of the interview so you don’t need to be in discomfort for too long!

If you were to suddenly get very rich, what would you do with all the wealth?


[Aran shoots her a disillusioned look.]

Before or after my twice-cursed adoptive “father” takes it? I’ve no interest in money, he usually demanded I dive wrecks for treasure, but the man is Welsh and a dragon at heart.

[He adds dryly,]

I’m pretty sure that Steffon would demand his share. It’s for him that I end up diving Mediterranean wrecks for their treasure. I’ve no interest in money and the apartment in Seattle is just for the pretense.


Well I suppose that saves you from the traps and temptations of wealth!

What are you most proud of?


Best not let Tristan hear it, but it’s . . . him. Leaving wasn’t quite my first choice but I couldn’t stay, not if it meant my life. He still thinks I abandoned him, but it wasn’t that way.


Sounds like it was a complicated situation. I’m sure you made the right call.

[Patricia cocks her head.]

So you’ve mentioned Tristan. Do you have a best friend?


I did . . . once. Marriage was as simple as bedding her, but we were fond of each other. I’d—this is hard to talk about, to be honest. She died a long time ago by your standards. I killed her, makes no difference that Poseidon and my daughter were mixed up in the scheme.


I’m sorry to hear that. We can move on to the next question, then.

Is there anyone you absolutely can’t stand?


[Aran grits his teeth, small snarl between them.]

 If you were wise, you wouldn’t ask that question. Neither the man I’m forced to call father, nor my former master are on my list of “favorite” people.


[Patricia frowns sympathetically.]

They must not be very good people by the sounds of it. Let’s move to a more lighthearted topic!

What’s a funny or embarrassing thing that happened to you?


[Aran frowns slightly.]

Embarrassing? That’s not easy for me to answer because it’s so . . . human. Tristan walked in on me with a lover once, but I think he found it more awkward than I did.


[Patricia laughs]

Poor Tristan! I take it you’re not human, given that response. May I ask what you are?


[Aran sighs and lifts a hand to show the webbing between his fingers.]

Kelpie, in a word. At least ever since I made Ireland my home a couple thousand years ago. I’m sure Poseidon would have another name for it.


[Patricia leans forward, intrigued.]

Wow! You’ve been around for a while, then.

If you had to give someone advice, what would you say?


Run is the best thing that comes to mind, truth be told. The gods don’t like competition or challengers.


[Patricia nods slowly.]

I can think of several situations where running is the wiser decision.

[She stands and smooths her skirts.]

Thank you very much for doing this interview! Even if it was a dare, I’m still glad you came.

End of interview.


Want to Read More?

Aran’s adventures can be purchased and read here for Silver & Salt and here for Bound in Blood. Feel free to check out Mark’s other books as well!


See Ya Next Month

Aaaand that's all the time we have today. Thank you, readers, for coming. And thank you, Aran, for letting us get to know you. See y'all next month, and until then, stay outta trouble and keep writing!


If you would like to submit a character to be interviewed for a future issue of Fable Features, please send an email to with the subject line: Fable Features.

Please note that erotica and content with excessive vulgar language will not be accepted.

If you have questions you'd like Patricia Parrington to ask in a future interview, please submit them to with the subject line: Interview Questions.

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